Friday, May 10, 2013

Being a young child, it's only once in a life time. You could never be nor react like a child as you was few years backs, it would just be wierd.. But what we have been thru during our young times, it's all memories that could bring those moments back by photos, postcards and videos..
Those are the precious moments we could have when we were young..
Everyone, you and me have our own memories that could not be forgotten at all..

Mine was just awesome.. in the sence i had lots of funs, happiness, love, cares and all I ever wanted.. :)

When I was young, everyone had time for each another, no one would be neglected.
During that time, friends was just for fun, you dont really need them as now.. but they do still leave memories in our lives. Those special moments, i have with my family.. Those moments when i was just so hyper and naugthy kid, everyone just had to be patience with me..

Although theres yet sad and hurting moments too.. Not everyone has happy moments during their childhood but you are still blessed to be happy now..

Im all blessed !! I had all i wanted to have when i was a child..

# when i was a baby

      #small baby gal :)

#independent small gal


                                                             #us with mum

                                                 #celebrating ma bday wid siblings

#happy #child #loves # moments 

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