Sunday, April 7, 2013


Many have wondered and even I have wondered 'Why Does Child Get Abused?'.Well the answer to it is..

What causes parent(s) to abuse their child?
 A parent(s) childhood could cause an abussive action towards their child such in a way as adults who suffered abuse or ill treatment in childhood are more likely to abuse thier own children because the family model they grew up with is flawed. If parents grew up with harsh methods of discipline, they may be more prone to violence. 

 Some people enter into parenthood with unrealistic expectations and they may be surprised at the amount of care and attention that infants and children need. This is particularly true of teen parents or immature adults. Parents also may become abusive if they are resentful of a child who is handicapped or difficult to handle because they requires more time and attention than they expected.
 Moreover, parenting is stressful, parents without support from family and friends may be more likely to abuse their children. Some emergency shelters for abused children offer parents the option to drop off children for a while when they feel they can't cope with them. 
 Alcohol and drug abuse often lead to child abuse because these substances cause people to lose self-control. Parents who engage in substance abuse are almost three times more likely to abuse their children and four times more likely to neglect them. Children of single parent alcoholics or drug users are at even greater risk because there is no second parent to diffuse the situation or protect the child from abuse.
 Parents who struggle with anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are less able to cope with the stresses of parenting and may be more likely to engage in child abuse. These disorders have difficulty caring for themselves and are even less able to care for others. They may be withdrawn and neglectful or quick to anger and more prone to physical violence.
  Other then that, some working parents are too busy with their jobs till they have no time for their child. While their child needs attentions, cares and love from their parents. But when their busy parents is back home, they're tired and got no time for their kids. Parents tend to abuse their kid when they cant tolerate with their child's noise, and when they have no patience with their child.

 Childrens are innocent, they need to be showed attentions, love and care not an attitude of an abussive. Why do we abuse them when they just want what they want? Children feels lonely when there's no one to listen to them or play with them. We as an adult, that have been thru childhood times should more understanding about what kids wants from us. Never tend to neglect them, cause some day you will feel the loss of their attendance.

Learn how to love children this day and STOP CHILD ABUSE! 

A lot of orphan childrens we meet within our environment. It maybe hard to believe but yet true that the life of an orphan child live is a BIG CHALLENGE.

   We fail to know why it happens in such a way that after the parent(s) pass away, their child start testing the wrath of their death. Some how, there is also some irresponsible parent(s) who leaves their child at someone else doorstep, by the road side, in the dustbins or at the orphanage home. As these childrens has no parent(s),  people remain to take care of this childrens, yet they again make them pass through regrettable experiences.

  Most orphans would say that they want more than anything else to be rich and rise up in the world. So at least they could get away from being an orphan. Finding their birth parents is not that important to them though it may be a second choice. They know that their parents will never look for them.

   Being an orphan is not the way you want to live. An orphan was always second class. Some people thought orphans were "no good." It was lonely, painful, fearful.And people take advantage of orphans.

 These children suffers way a lot, to the extent of missing out schooling because no one is willing to pay their school dues. What is more hurting is that even the little the parents leave for their children, the relatives (uncles and aunties) start sharing them among themselves in equal ratios.

  Children are exposed to child labor; young girls are forced to get in marriages, taken like they are not humans, which make them live unhappy.

 Some orphans has no shelter to live, with no choice they has to live by begging on the streets and sleeping on the streets. Some they dont even have food to eat with no choice they have to starve, they dont even have water to drink. Some they dont even have clothes to wear, they wear the same clothes everyday.

  Orphans get jealous beause they dont have parent(s), who would be their most important people in life. They also dream about getting all the attention and getting spoiled by loving parents. But sadly they can't.. An orphan child also tend to seek sincere love and care from people around them yet some people looks down on them just because they're an orphan.

 Well to the orphans, sponsors are a big encouragement. Orphans care about their sponsors and they love them because they are important to the orphans and because of them, the orphans could continue gaining knowlegde. But among themself, they show love and care for each another cause they know what is it to feel like to be an orphan.
  Lastly but not the least, they go thru difficult times, difficulties in fighting over their emotions and every each day they has their own battles to fight for. We could not guess what kind of life they live till we go thru it and feel it, we dont know what they fight for, we dont know what they actually want. So why look down on this children?  They are the strongest children ever. Never judge this orphan cause you will never know what they go thru. 

 Orphans are loved by GOD. They were created by GOD to be cared and loved by the people around them. And who ever helps the orphans will be bless thousand folds in return. So, let's never look down on this childrens and lets shower them with our love and kindness.

Written By Lydia Raj (myself)
Ideas From Myself And Also Some Websites.